Bone Bruise Schwellung – Therapie nach 1 Jahr?
War heute beim Orthopäden und die Diagnose lautet Schwellung bone bruise rechts. Bin vor ca. 1 Jahr gestürzt und bin daraufhin nicht zum Arzt, weil ich zwar Beschwerden hatte, aber ganz normal auftreten konnte. Seitdem aber immer mal wieder Schmerzen im rechten Unterschenkel. Tja…wär ich doch zum Arzt gegangen.
Man hat mir nun Kompressionsstrümpfe und Physiotherapie rezeptiert. Bringt das überhaupt noch was nach 1 Jahr? Habe Angst, dass dadurch bleibende Schäden entstanden sind. Der Arzt war sehr kurz angebunden.
Yeah. The Bone Bruise must go away from himself, there can be no doctor. It is only important if you have not spared yourself, which has not now been fractured, that is quite fast because the bone is already hurt.
My BoneBruise in my knee has hurt for 1.5 years, now it’s up to now, but if I load it too much, I definitely notice it. Physiotherapy can help you build the right muscles and stabilize the joint. But the Bonebruise doesn’t get away with it faster. Compression stockings are also unnecessary because the bone can hardly be compressed.
Greetings from a physiotherapist 😅🤓
Thank you for the super post =). My lower leg was also reddened, there was nothing mentioned by a fracture. I can only remember that I had to reach an important train a few days after the accident and accordingly ran (I then felt a stinging pain in the lower leg). Since then, I’ve only been in pain again and again, and I haven’t had a great load on my leg. Are the pain ever going away?
Yes, the pain will go away, but will take, depending on how great the force of the injury was. I had hurt myself when I jumped up to the headball, and when I got up, my knee went back. My weight was 90kg at the time, so according to the doctor’s calculation, the 5 times have come to my knee, so 450kg load. It was “normal” that it lasts 1.5 years. Would slowly start with sports you do so, don’t start anything extra now and then look at it, rather a day too much break than a too little