BNB Blockchain was passiert bei einer Insolvenz mit der Blockchain??
es gibt mittlerweile ja viele Blockchains. Nehmen wir die BNB Chain als Beispiel. Hinter der BNB Chain steckt Binance.
Als Gas FEE wird mit dem BNB Coin bezahlt.
Viele neue Projekte werden auf der BNB Chain momentan ins Leben gerufen / gestartet.
Sollte es zu einer Insolvenz seitens Binance kommen, so frage ich mich was das für die Chain bedeutet ?
Börsen erstellen Blockchains und gehen am Ende Pleite und es entsteht nicht nur der Schaden an den Kunden sondern auch an allen Projekten die auf den jeweiligen Blockchains programmiert wurden.
Meine Frage:
Fals Binance Insolvenz gehen würde. Ist dann auch die BNB Chain Geschichte und alle Projekte die dort von Entwicklern ins Leben gerufen wurden ?
This is the reason why you don’t leave your coins on stock exchanges and generally leave the fingers of Shitcoins at the end they are not as decentralized as they pretend. How many nodes are actually operated by free people and how many of Binance or other central identities on servers?
Here are the requirements for a Binance Node:
For a bitcoin node is a small old laptop or like most a small rasberry Pi with a 1TB plate.
With Bitcoin running a) much more nodes and b), these are really decentralized and not on any servers that threaten the network when they are turned off.
Bitcoin is so safe because there is no central Elemwnte. No company no CEO no one can become insolvent and thus jeopardize allea.
In case of insolvency of Binance:
1. The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) could theoretically continue to exist as it is decentralized and not exclusively operated by Binance.
Two. However, there could be a loss of confidence and thus a loss of value of the tokens based on BSC.
3. The community could take measures to keep the blockchain running.
So, while Binance’s insolvency would have a significant impact on the BSC, it would not automatically mean the end of the BSC or the related projects.
Who still runs the blockchain? Can I also run my own node like Bitcoin?
BNB isn’t Coin, he’ll be worthless. 1 Coin = 0,000000001 Euro if you have previously bought the Coin for 1 Euro each, the value has fallen. Gas Fee are fees incurred when buying, that is not BNB. Gas Fee is on the Ethereum Blockchain.
But this is true to execute transactions on the BNB Chain you need BNB
Yes will be like Ethereum.
In my eyes, the BNB Coin would also be history, as it is a central construct of Binance. In addition, as with FTX, this would trigger a panic and everyone would try to get rid of their BNB, which could push the price of the coin further down. Now we imagine that the Coins is close to zero. Even if someone would keep developing, trust would be gone and the Coin dead.
Unbelievable for me that developers take such a high risk.
I would be for a ban on own chains of stock exchanges that have no BaFin license.
I would instead be for more human understanding among people, instead of always prohibiting everything. A license is not a guarantee that everything is running correctly.
Exchanges should never have their own coin in my eyes.
Do you mean with developer Binance or those who want anything to run on the BNB Chain? The latter, of course, had bad luck. I’m sure the first ones will see they’re out of there.
True words. Nevertheless, I find this a risk for the developers and their projects.