BMW rental car?

Good morning,

About a month ago I had an accident with my BMW 5 Series in a parking lot where someone hit me while parking.
Today I had an appointment at BMW for repairs. The opposing insurance company sent me a replacement car (via BMW). An Active Tourer (puke).

That can't be right, can it? From a 5 Series to an Active Tourer??

Apparently, they didn't have anything else left. Is there anything they can do about it afterward? The car is terrible. I don't mean to sound arrogant, but you get my point, right?

thanks and best regards

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1 month ago

At least at VW you get the same class or one deeper. But you can only dream at night.

So in your case from a 5 (which series?) you can expect a 3 or x3 or the like.

ABER: If nothing is free, you have two options. You take the family car and are mobile or you have had bad luck and walk. That would be embarrassing.

1 month ago

You don’t have to let yourself down legally. You are entitled to the same vehicle class (depending on insurance, but also a class below. That would then be a 3some and not an ugly active tourer xD in my eyes. I’d like to explain with the insurance and otherwise I’d like to ask a small thaler “Schadenersatz”

1 month ago

I’m glad you’ll get a rental car.

A workshop does not have to provide equivalent replacement cars. That doesn’t work at all. They can’t put all vehicle classes as replacement cars.

Last time I got a mini clubman as a rental car from the BMW dealer, and survived it.

1 month ago

From the opposing insurance I then got [something that is not money].

Big mistake! Get out of the car and charge the insurance! Your lawyer will explain to you the details that must also be paid for in the course of the cost distribution.


1 month ago

A car is an object of use, to see more in it, even a status symbol can be found.

1 month ago

But can be and is so, and you can’t do anything about it.