BMW e90 318i, 320i, 318d, 320d Erfahrungen?
Hallo habe mir nun endlich genug Geld zusammen gespart um mir mein traumauto kaufen zu können. Nun wollte ich mir demnächst eines der oben genannten Modelle ansehen, jetzt würden mich allgemein die Erfahrungen interessieren, Krankheiten der e90 Serie, auf was ich besonders achten muss bei der Besichtigung. Danke schon einmal für die Antworten.
I’d recommend the 320d. The M47 or N47 is a very good, reliable diesel engine. It has enough torque and power, which allows you to drive at the same time in a sporty and economical manner. The four-cylinder gasoline I would guess from, they are generally not bad but they are just too lame and consume much too much for the performance they have.
Here is again the used car check from, actually very interesting:
I would recommend to you the i, because I think that benziner is better.
I also recommend you xDrive as you look old with nem rear drive in winter
This sounds like cars with rear drive are inaccessible in winter.
As long as you don’t want to accelerate in the best time, or off-road road, all-wheel drive is unnecessary. And you can’t brake better. For this, these cars are more expensive, heavier, consume more and it’s more up to what can break.
Whether a gasoline or a diesel is suitable for the questioner depends on its driving habits.
I think the four-cylinder petrol engines in the E90 are not sprayy enough and consume too much, so the four-cylinder diesel engines are recommended. In addition, the all-wheel drive xDrive is available only in the model 320d (from 2008), 325i, 330i, 330d and 335i. Rear drive in winter is not necessarily bad when you drive adjusted and forward-looking.
If a diesel is worthwhile for you, I would advise you to the 320d…very solid and strong…also perfect for longer trips…there are also many good deals just check mobile!
So I can’t say anything about the weaknesses of the E90 series. I recommend taking the 320d. The other motorizations you mentioned are all unworthyly slow, only with the 320d gets a little semi-way track strength.
Well, it doesn’t have to be the most sporty I just want to be comfortable driving without problems
I drove the 320i and can only say that it is a very reliable and solid car.