BMW e36 9j x 16 ET8?
Servus, und zwar habe ich mir Felgen gekauft der Marke King k7000. Diese sind 9×16 et8 und für die VA und HA. Kann mir jemand sagen ob ich diese eingetragen bekomme? Habe kein Gutachten oder ähnliches, nur die Felgen. Und dann wollte ich noch wissen was für Reifen ich drauf machen soll.
So with a 9J rim, I would personally drive at least 235, but you must also want to. Otherwise, 245 or 255, depending on what you want.
I can’t help you with the rest
You can watch Evtl on the Internet for a suitable opinion btw abe, but you have to do it yourself
I only found one, but my car isn’t in
A 215 35 R16 gets really close on a 9j rim. For the TÜV you only have to see which tyres you can drive on the rim
Haja ok of it would turn on the 9j felge 215 35 16. Do you have to pay extra or is the price for the complete wheel?
At my e39 it cost 120€ if I really know
I had already thought of a single take, what will you think about it?
Then you’ll probably not get around for an extra decrease… with logically restrict