BMW 525i e60 mit 18 Jahren?


ich bin 16 Jahre alt und möchte diesen Sommer den Führerschein (wenn es auf Grund der CoVid-19 Situation klappt) machen. Ich wäre dann mit 17, also zu meinem Geburtstag ungefähr, fertig, falls ich bestehe haha. Ich fahre seid kurzem als Übung mit dem BMW meines Onkels auf leeren Parkplätzen (ist ein Automatik) und demnächst mit einem alten Mercedes Sprinter ein paar Runden ( mit Gangschaltung). Mit 17 haben wir abgemacht, dass wir uns einen alten Wagen für ca. 500-700 € kaufen, damit ich Erfahrungen mit Limousinen mache und auch das Gas kontrollieren kann. Und mit 18 kann ich den Austausch und mir einen Wagen nach meinem Wunsch holen. Mein Traum ist der BMW e60 (2009). Ich spare darauf schon seitdem ich 15 bin (mache Nebenjobs etc.) und mein Budget liegt bei 6000€. Mehr würde ich auch nicht ausgeben. Was meint ihr dazu?

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4 years ago

I also had an E60 / 520i, in 2004 it was the first car. With 100,000 KM, sold at approximately 390.000 KM. I needed the vehicle because I was a frequent driver and the vehicle was very reliable. Besides battery change, service / inspection I never let anything do. Okay, still tires, but otherwise he was always reliable and drove like on rails. He was also comfortable, he also had a smooth running thanks to the series hexagon engine. What you should consider: The fuel costs and service/inspections – and maintenance costs. Otherwise, that was a great car for me as a starter, PDC had the same.

If you pack it financially, why not – I had a lot of fun with it.


4 years ago
Reply to  someone1111853

Puh, I can tell you hard because the prices were different at my time and I had a 520i and no 525i. In the end, you have to take someone who looks at the car with you – who knows about it and maybe can check again if anything was done at the KM stand, that is very important. Error memory reading would also not be bad before buying. But in general, of course, it always depends on how well equipped the car is and the overall condition is.

4 years ago

as an exercise with the BMW of my uncle on empty parking spaces (is an automatic) and soon with an old Mercedes Sprinter a few rounds (with a gearshift).

Stop it, go to a traffic exercise place. If you get caught, you can forget about driving.

4 years ago

Except for the well-known high consumption of gasoline, nothing speaks about this. But it is known that old BMWs are somewhat vulnerable to spare parts.

I’d do it like that, yeah.

4 years ago

” I’m driving on empty parking with my uncle’s BMW for a short time…”

Get caught and the dream of the driver’s license is on ice for both of you.

Here is something better to practice:

4 years ago
Reply to  someone1111853



I know.

“… on emptyParking

Eben! Driving without a driving permit. Two years lock. And your uncle’s on it too.

4 years ago

If you don’t have anything better than dealing with tin cans, just go.