BMW 520i oder 320 als Erstwagen?

Ich werde bald 18 und fahre schon seit einem Jahr (BF17) mit dem alten Opel von meinen Eltern. Ich würde mich selber schon als einen guten Fahrer betiteln und keinen richtigen Anfänger. Momentan habe ich vor mir bald einen 3er(E90)oder 5er(E60) BMW gebraucht bei ungefähr 150tsd kilometern Laufleistung zu holen für ungefähr 4000-6000€.Denkt ihr trotzdem, dass es zu “krass” ist als Erstwagen? Ich habe über Jahre Ferien und Minijobs gemacht und könnte mir den selber ohne meine Eltern kaufen. Sie würden mir halt beim Unterhalt noch helfen. Was meint ihr? (Beide 170 PS,2 Liter Hubraum)Habt ihr Vorschläge?

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5 years ago

The search for the 520i E60 with the R6 and 150 tsd km for 4000-6000€ can be difficult.

Can also look quiet to 200,000 km. Vlt you’ll find a reputable pre-seat that’s used for the necklace. Or have been regularly maintained at least halfway.

Drive him on the stage, look at wear parts, and if everything fits, you’ll be mobile the next time without any problems.

Just be aware that you pay the R6 supplement. Despite 170 hp and moderate propulsion, he needs fuel. Vlt as much as a newer 3l gasoline with 102 hp more (530i)

Otherwise, the choice is good.

320i E90, I wouldn’t see. Then possibly the E90 325i. Equipment will be thirsty, but Xenon will already have it. Rich.

Oh, yeah, the 520i has 2.2l capacity. At least the preface lift. You can forget a facelift for the money. I wouldn’t take it either. 6 cylinders are 6 cylinders. If you have the choice. The 4 cylinder is more durable and problem-free on garkeine case and you should not pay attention to 1-2l additional consumption if it is to become a formerly expensive German upper middle class.

5 years ago
Reply to  F16UAV

Then definitely the 520i. The E60 is in itself solid, a row-six in the front as well.

At the 320i E90, I would be more sceptical.

Tax will be marginally higher at 520i, insurance may be cheaper.

5 years ago

Because he’s older and less in demand. At that time, the e39 was at an age when it was most convenient to drive the entry motor (520i). Many were heated.

In addition, the E60 is the much more modern car. Technical and visual.

for less than 2000€ will be the E39 scrap and, if at all, still have rest. The car has 6 cylinders and is comfortable. There is no reason to give a reasonably useful copy. For under 1000 and only 190 tsd km is the scrap.

5 years ago

Who has been driving a car for less than a year, and this is not even alone, is not a good driver but a bloody beginner

5 years ago

This is not too crassed in today’s time!!!

Take one below 100000 for 7

5 years ago

I’d be titled myself as a good driver

Unfortunately, you’re at an age when your hormone balance occasionally slips away. That with the good driver comes quickly to its limits.

5 years ago
Reply to  F16UAV

For € 4000-6000 you get a reasonable vehicle. Ford Focus or something like that.

5 years ago
Reply to  F16UAV

If for 1000-2000€ I would buy a car that I don’t like and cheap.

There are experts who find usable copies in this price class. If you’re not one of these, you’re gonna have a gun with a brutal repair store. The same applies to a BMW. 5,000 €.

5 years ago

Do what you can’t leave.

Deppat is everything.