Blutzucker plötzlich bz 265? Ist das normal?

Ich habe diese Woche blutzucker test in Labor gemacht Es war in Ordnung. Heute in in 4 h in der Früh bz gemacht, es war 136. Und um 6 Uhr war 120.

Nachmittag habe ich ganz normal gegessen. Später war ich mit mit meinem Mann Eis essen. Nachmittag messen ich blutzucker es war 265. Blutbefund war sehr schön? Was könnte es sein. Jetzt habe ich bz gemessen. Es war 171? Ich hoffe es dass ich nicht diabetes kriege. Meine Mann meinte dass nach dem test könnte ich diabetes kriegen?Ich hoffe dass stimmt nicht

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8 months ago

Hello Pnkacco

Blood sugar suddenly bz 265? Is that normal?

when exactly have you measured the BZ?

I made blood sugar test this week in laboratory It was okay. Today made in 4 h in the early bz, it was 136. And at 6:00 was 120.

Both BZ values are too high.

Afternoon, I ate quite normal. Later I was eating ice cream with my husband. Afternoon I measure blood sugar it was 265.

How many hours or minutes you have

measured this BZ after the ice cream?

Now I measured bz. It was 171?

How many hours or minutes you have

measured this BZ after the ice cream?

I hope I don’t get diabetes. My husband said I could get diabetes after the test? I hope that is not true

Well, everyone hopes….

I’m sorry you had one

Insulin resistance=prediabetes.

Maybe you just have

a bad BZ meter. 🤷🏻

LG 🙋🏻

8 months ago
Reply to  Pnkacco

2 hours after dinner

should be the BZ < 140 mg/dl!

8 months ago
Reply to  Pnkacco

I was drinking 2 glass splashes


Every day 20-300 f it’s not true.


It must have a reason.

What is it?

8 months ago

Please press more closely so that

you know what you mean.

8 months ago

If there is no measurement error, this is not normal. The blood sugar should never rise above 140 mg/dl.

8 months ago
Reply to  Pnkacco

It’s too high, you have diabetes.