Blutzucker nach Torte bei 220, aber nüchternwerte ok?
Hallo zusammen, ich war länger im Krankenhaus und da wurde mir täglich der Blutzucker mehrmals gemessen. Einmal nachdem ca 1,2 Stunden vorher Kuchen gegessen habe, war der Wert über 220. Sonst war es immer ok. Muss ich mir wegen diesem einen Wert sorgen machen? Man liest ja, dass es ab 200 pauschal als Diabetes gilt…
Hello Nobbism, 👋
could be very good that through the cortisone
the BZ was increased to 220 mg/dl.
When exactly was the postprandial BZ
is it even measured?
When he was measured for 1 hour.
That was okay.
If he was measured for 2 hours n.d. food,
It wasn’t okay anymore.
Not necessarily. V.a. not actually there
you had taken Cortisone before.
Yes, but ONLY,
when 2 hours of food was measured!
LG 🙋🏻
Thank you for the hint. Some sources read that over 200 always speaks for diabetes. This has upset me.
I don’t know when it was measured. If you don’t find it in the doctor’s letters, it wasn’t even mentioned. Because of cortisone and chemotherapy, they did not find it disturbing.
Very much. 😊
No, > 200 mg/dl does NOT speak
for a diabetes disease. After
Eating up to 2 hours the BZ can also
for a short time. 2 hours after
the food should be < 140 mg/dl.
LG 🙋🏻
Apparently, your blood sugar value is high, even if it is still below the limit values, otherwise blood sugar would not have been measured so often in the disease.
Measurement results measured less than 2 hours after the last meal may be distorted. It is therefore possible to ignore this measurement. The doctors should also know that.
Nevertheless, you should pay attention to your blood sugar value.
I think that’s okay.
You’d have already been pointed out.
And it’s not for nothing that you actually measure sober.
They were shocked by one. Then measured a few hours later and then it was okay.
I remembered something else. Had to take a lot of cortisone back then, that was the reason why they even measured. But I still keep an eye on it
I remembered something else. Had to take a lot of cortisone back then, that was the reason why they even measured. But I still keep an eye on it
A single increased, postprandialer
BZ does not necessarily mean
Type 2 diabetes! We also know
not even, WANN GENAU
( 1, o. 2 hours?) of the BZ was measured
Blood sugar levels above 140 mg/dl indicate diabetes.