Blutung vor Pillenpause?
Hallo, ich hab da eine Frage und zwar nehme ich meine Pille schon seit 2 Jahren und bekomme meine Abbruchblutung immer am 4. Tag der Pause. Jedoch kam meine Blutung diesmal einen Tag bevor ich überhaupt in die Pause gegangen bin nach dem Geschlechtsverkehr. Hat das irgendwas schlimmes zu bedeuten? Ich habe mir bisschen etwas durchgelesen und da stande, es könnte so etwas durch Stress passieren, jedoch habe ich gerade aber nicht viel Stress mein Leben ist ziemlich ruhig. Und jetzt bereitet mir das alles irgendwie Sorgen, weil seit 2 Tagen die Blutung nicht aufhört. Könnte ich schwanger sein oder so etwas?
Ich danke im Voraus.
It can be that you have an interfloor. It’s nothing bad, like bleeding. If you’re insecure if you could be pregnant, try one. But is very unlikely because the pearl index of the pill is 0.9. (0,9/100 women are pregnant by the pill) other possibility is that you can no longer wear your pill. Call your gyn tomorrow and ask the girls there or give you an appointment. Don’t worry too much about it, it’ll probably be something harmless. I took the pill myself for 6 years and suddenly came no longer clear. Got a spiral now. And I and my body are so much better. Good
So I would exclude a pregnancy categorically, because then you would have NO bleeding (and also the one-time failure of bleeding is normal in the pill, from the 2nd month I would worry).
What you’re writing is an intermediate bleeding. This is a normal side effect of the pill. That at the GV kan can be a coincidence. Just keep an eye on it
Even that the bleeding comes a little earlier than usual can happen. I wouldn’t worry first.
But may it also be that I have injured myself in intercourse? Because I had a lot of burning and snare on the side. Or aren’t you bleeding for four days?
Normally not.
If you’re just saying that you were lying or twisting, you’re not bleeding, but you have a maximum of some kind of muscle cat.
What can be that he has hurt a little oath in you with the introduction or during sex (can sometimes occur), then it only bleeds off, but also not so long, maximum one day.
If you’re unsure, go to the doctor
You don’t have bleedings of any kind during pregnancy unless something is wrong.
Read the package leaflet of the pill – this is a typical side effect.