Bleeding during pill break?
I made a mistake taking my pill during my cycle and now I'm having my withdrawal bleed during the pill break. Does this really mean nothing, or is a test now invalid?
I made a mistake taking my pill during my cycle and now I'm having my withdrawal bleed during the pill break. Does this really mean nothing, or is a test now invalid?
Hello everyone, I've been taking the Solgest pill for over 10 years now. I've repeatedly experienced problems with bleeding, mood swings, depression, acne, etc. I've been thinking about stopping taking the pill. I'm just afraid of what might come… Because of my migraines with aura, I don't dare to experiment much. There's also the question…
Hello everyone, I (17 months) recently had my first time and, as is customary, had already picked up my first condoms. I didn't think much of it and went for the largest ones, although I was somewhat concerned that they might be too big, since when you google the right size, you always get mixed…
Hello! I've had the copper IUD since May, and since then, my period has been lighter. Only this month has it seemed really light (it started lightly yesterday late in the afternoon). As far as I know, the copper IUD normally makes the period heavier, not lighter, or could that be the case? Has anyone…
Hey, I'm due to get my period in two days, which shouldn't be a big deal. But I'm going on vacation with a boy on the 29th, and it would be pretty inconvenient. Since I've never had any luck with the pill, I was wondering if you have any tips or tricks on how I…
I, 15, take the pill and have never forgotten to take it, only once for 20 days instead of 21. The day before yesterday my boyfriend and I had sex, and one of those frenulums that go from the foreskin to the glans (I think that's what it's called) tore and he bled and it…
I always take my Swingo 20 pill regularly, but on Saturday I made a mistake. I took the pill 17 hours late. That means I was supposed to take it at 9 p.m., but I didn't notice until 1 p.m. I had sex on Saturday, but he didn't come inside me. I'm worried I might…
Hello if you have a tonnage, amount and bleeding duration normal “Menstruation”, then there is absolutely no reason to worry! The uterus is just thoroughly scrubbed, so that there no egg, possibly fertilized by a male spermium, will be able to nest. You, the possible egg, becomes simple and gripping – guaranteed – with RESULTS. ;)) – Best regards, Imke =)
Thank you for the answer! So far the bleeding is normal. Today is Day 18 after the gv. I just tested negative. But not with morning urine.
ALL OKAY BEI DIR…smile… but you know that already by now.
(Morgenurin makes sense in terms of the HCG value, by the way, especially if you want to test before the rule bleeding is absent, which was not the case in your situation. – After 18 days, a test may be referred to as really RESULTS. Greetings
Hello fork837
When taking the pill you have no period but an artificially induced abortion bleeding caused by the hormonal withdrawal and that says nothing about whether you are pregnant or not. Only if you had a mistake is the possibility of pregnancy. Then only one pregnancy test can give you safety. For a blood test, a safe result is possible 9 days after the GV. With a test strip you get a result after 14-19 days.
Greetings HobbyTfz
It’s normal?