Bluttest bei Polizei?

Hallo ihr Lieben,

ich wurde gestern von der Polizei angehalten und habe angegeben, das ich eine Nacht vorher Alkohol getrunken habe und gekifft habe. Allerdings war ich auch in dem Moment auf Benzos. Davon habe ich nichts gesagt. Dann haben die mich mit auf die Wache genommen und Blut abgenommen. Wird das jetzt auf alle Drogen getestet, oder nur auf Alkohol und Cannabis? Wenn da jetzt Benzos festgestellt werden würden, müsste ich dann eine MPU machen? Oder testen die eher nur auf die anderen Sachen, die ich auch angegeben habe?

Liebe Grüße!!!

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6 months ago

A MPU in mixed consumption is to be expected, of course everything is tested.

That you made a statement, too, will not make your lawyer happy at all. That was the most stupid thing you could do. Now it is also clear that you consume regularly. 🤷

I mean, I’m right to look for those people behind the wheel. It’s pretty bad for you now.

6 months ago
Reply to  lehni25

Too late to say to the police…

6 months ago

They can’t just test for a drug. You can stop driving bus and train in the future.

6 months ago
Reply to  Anonym83829

That’s right! Colleagues stopped.Queen – did they drink something or take other drugs?Antwort- Have a beer drunk! He only had to pust . . . 😜 Had the other tests done . . .

6 months ago
Reply to  Bo312380

Just read the question before you separate such a bullshit!

6 months ago
Reply to  Bo312380

That’s right. It is the decision of the official on site. Breathing alcohol test and urine test or Wipe test are voluntary – if negative is usually over. In blood testing on drugs, a mass spectrometry is often made and each peak is identified. And lehni25 probably gave a blood sample for analysis. There, blood alcohol and drugs are determined quantitatively. Often, 2 samples are taken at a time interval and the correct value is calculated back to the “date time”.

5 months ago

You too!!!

6 months ago

It’s clear, but it’s self-indebted!No official can take you to the blood test for no reason!If you tell the darkest secrets of the family in a control because you get stuck in your pants.

6 months ago

Cannabis use is absolutely often detectable 30 days after consumption. After increasing the limit values to 3.5 ng, the limit should be well exceeded for a week after one-off consumption. For regular consumption, it should be permanently exceeded, in any case the lapping is gone.

If benzos or other drugs are added, it is a mixed consumption and an MPU is likely. In the end, however, it is always discretionary decisions of the respective authorisation body.

6 months ago

Is this now being tested for all drugs,

Yeah, that can happen.

If benzos were found now, would I have to make a MPU?

If benzos are found and you have no proof that you have been prescribed medically, the FEB will deprive you of your driving license because this is “hard” drugs. You could only get a new FE after pos. MPU.

6 months ago

Usually, if the blood is already examined, a general drug screening is also made. This will probably notice the benzo consumption. Of course, there are also limit values (which is why the cannabis test is also done, although you have added consumption – you have to know if the amount was still ok or if the limit was exceeded). Whether an MPU is required will be shown. However, since you have actually been driven under the influence of benzodiazepines and have been stopped, driving licence withdrawal is quite likely.

6 months ago

Typically, your blood is tested for everything and, yes, an MPU is in the crowd situation, mixed consumption + illegal drugs, absolutely to expect.

6 months ago
Reply to  lehni25

What now, had you cried and drunk the day before?

It doesn’t matter what was enough anyway. Benzos as a violation of BTMG or NPSG, show that you are enjoying the law. This is not an option in road traffic.

6 months ago
Reply to  theCapsicum

But blood test will only be due if control is noticeable!

6 months ago
Reply to  Bo312380

He’s already done the blood test. His unnecessary information has just forced policemen to act. Simply silence is always good advice

6 months ago

Usual benzos do not fall under the BtMG. The anesthetic law only applies from a certain dose per tablet.