Es dürfen ja seit 2022 auch Frauen mitreiten aber dürfen jetzt auch “schon” dunkelhäutige mitreiten?
Warum ist das überhaupt verboten gewesen und warum ist unsere Gesellschaft so weit hinten dran?
Es dürfen ja seit 2022 auch Frauen mitreiten aber dürfen jetzt auch “schon” dunkelhäutige mitreiten?
Warum ist das überhaupt verboten gewesen und warum ist unsere Gesellschaft so weit hinten dran?
Mir kommt es so vor, als ob die ganzen Krypto Bros zu AI übergelaufen sind, nachdem der letzte Krypto Hype ausgestorben ist (wobei wir dank Trump bald wieder einen Krypto Hype erleben könnten…)
Hallo, habe eine Airbag Weste fürs Reiten. Ich habe das Modell von Helite x Cavalleria Toscana, und die dazugehörigen Kartuschen. Leider sind diese derzeit nur bestellbar, deshalb die Frage ob es einen Unterschied macht wenn man andere Kartuschen verwendet? Wie von Helite 2.0 oder Free Jump? auf der Kartusche steht 33g welches Modell wäre da…
Hallo Zusammen, die Frage klingt blöd, ist mir klar. Kann ich dennoch mit Bänderriss reiten? Zwei meiner Bänder am Fuß sind gerissen, das wichtigste allerdings nicht. Ich habe keine Schmerzen beim Drehen oder sonstigen Aktivitäten, der Arzt meinte, wenn keine Schmerzen vorhanden sind sollte das kein Problem sein (solange ich nicht jeden Tag reite). Es…
Ich mein – Gott sei Dank aber warum ist das so?
It is a traditional one Men’s pilgrimage.
For reasons of recognition as a cultural heritage of UNESCO, this was repealed.
Reverable Catholic men have always been taking part when recognized in the respective communities. In the absence of coloured venerable, suitable Catholic applicants, no one could participate.
Yes well but today everyone riding with so there is simply a ban because there was no one at the time or was it not defined?
It rides every club, not everyone.
That’s what obliges the respective riders.
Thus, often only venerable citizens who are firmly anchored in the village or municipality may participate. During a pilgrimage, the respective municipality organizes the pilgrimage, the circus around it has nothing to do with the pilgrimage.
For example, at certain events, only full-time farmers, on their own farm, married, may participate with impeccable reputation.
For example, only women can participate in a pilgrimage in the area.
And what about all the kids who ride?
We seem to ask if you want to join or give your horses. That’s how I got it.
These are traditions. If you changed it, it’s for those who are so accustomed as if they were completely abolished.
A few years ago, I could not imagine that high dressage or Western riding would be ridden with a camber instead of a hat. Some things just take a little longer…
Yes I also think of the dressage belongs the hat but safety first. But can someone answer my real question once?? 😂
The first sentence of my answer? The rest for illustration. You understand what the word TRADITION means? These are the old rules that have been transposed. Even if they make little sense.
Powdered? I don’t care. I tried to help. I have certainly not deserved a word, even though my answer does not meet your expectations.
Too bad about my time. Good afternoon.
It’s just that. Welcome to the life of not powdered.
And if there are two questions, go on both and not just one.
You asked two questions under one heading. How are we supposed to know that the final question is by the side? I have never heard anything about the fact that participation in the skin colour is linked.
The question is whether dark-skinned people can now also ride. The rest is…
Yeah, yeah. So is society. Ask the blood rodents about your problem.
I don’t even have a horse so haha isn’t my problem I’m just wondering because it’s coming in the news because on Friday it’s bloody again and I think that Germany is actually quite diverse but the other nations aren’t thrilled with the bloody ride. And I don’t know anyone who wanted to know