Blutklumpen – nicht schwanger?
Ich hatte meine Abbruchblutung, aber sie war eher schwach, kam und ging, war nach weniger als 4 Tagen komplett weg. Allerdings hatte ich Blutklumpen oder Gewebe im Blut. Zweimal ist das Blut sogar richtig aus mir rausgetropft… Obwohl es sonst eher schwach war. Sorry für die Details. Ist das ein Zeichen, dass ich nicht schwanger bin? Ich hab gehört, Blutklumpen kommen bei einer gesunden Schwangerschaft oder Einnistung nicht vor.
In the natural cycle is a period bleeding ofnormal duration, strength and color a very safe sign, not to be pregnant. The severe drop in the concentrations of progesterone and estrogen in the blood triggers the menstrual bleeding on average 14 days after ovulation.
Otherwise, pregnant hormones would prevent the bleeding of the cervical mucosa.
This is also true for hormonal contraception (even if something else is claimed here at gf).
Because although in fact a hormonal withdrawal bleeding in the pill does not say anything about pregnancy (thinks that it can also remain without pregnancy), the majority of the mucosa remained in a possible pregnancy (also with further pill intake), because the egg has nested and the hormone is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which prevents the repulsion of the cervical mucosa.
Therefore, an abortion bleeding (if at all) would in any case be very weak and hesitant if a pregnancy is present. Even this “minible bleeding” is in no way the rule in the event of pregnancy, despite hormonal contraception, but a very rare exception.
In the case of introduction of the pill, for example, the 21/7 scheme has been chosen for abortion bleeding with a medically not necessary hormone-free time, so that women have a control function just through this bleeding – because typical side effects of the pill (such as nausea) can easily be confused with pregnancy signs and pregnancy tests were not yet available at that time.
Happy for you!
That was very likely uterus mucous membrane, how could an embryo come in under the circumstances? Bio – middle class.
Of course, you’re free to make a Sws test on time.
I did a test after 19 days – negative. still I imagine all sorts of symptome. I am the next weeks in the country and can only be very difficult to the doctor….
Don’t ask your maid doctor good question -.-