Blutfleck aus weißer Hose entfernen. Hat jemand noch einen Geheimtipp?
Ich habe mit Sil Fleckenspray vorbehandelt. Gewaschen bei 60 Grad mit 2 Pods Ariel für weiße Wäsche. Nix. Dann den Fleckenteufel Hoffman für Blut lange einwirken lassen. Gewaschen bei 90 Grad mit 2 Ariel pods. Noch immer ist was zu sehen, kann man so nicht anziehen. Ist eine gute, teure Arbeitshose (Pflege)
Ich hätte wohl erst in kaltem Wasser einweichen sollen. Hinterher ist man immer schlauer.
Maybe spray with “foam tod” (based on chlorine). Could go. But only test at a troubled spot on your pants!
With hydrogen peroxide, it might be possible. However, the white color may also fade away. As a last option, I would consider this and then dye it again in the washing machine with white color.
Otherwise, bleaching also goes on the sun. You just need some patience. Apply wet (!) place of direct sunlight. This can take several days and goes very slowly. The spotty place or better still make completely wet/moist with destulled water. Page: The UV component of the light is a load on the fibers if the fabric has synthetic fiber components. Pure cotton is not a problem. It’s time to weigh.
The mold remover did his job. Thank you.
Nice to meet you.
It was just a suspicion of my rudimentary chemistry skills. 😅
Chlorine is the hardcore variant, is only doubled by hydrogen peroxide.
he was even without chlorine and I also had those in the house 👍
Normally high temperatures are always good for spots Other in blood. It contains protein and sprinkles from 42.6 degrees. That’s why blood stains wash only at 40 degrees.
Besides, these pods have a bad washing power. The best is powder. Should one always take for white eh because bleach is in it and so do not bury it. In pods and liquid full washing agent, only optical brighteners are present which do not bring much. In addition, the washing power is poorer
I don’t like powder because I tend to take too much. Except for the things where blood is involved, I am very satisfied, but must be Ariel 😉
There’s a lot you need on the pack.
I generally recommend powder because it is better for the machine and laundry. Liquid syffs the machine fully in duration. Especially if not regularly washed (every 2-3 weeks) at 90 degrees. Why you should do that anyway to maintain the machine well
You can try if the spot is bleached when you put the pants in the sun.
are so brown edges. brown shadows. Should I discolor her?
I’d moisten it, do some stain salt on it and put the pants in the sun.
Thank you.
You say it yourself. Cold water and soak in it
Yeah, I should have done that. Now it no longer helps wash after 2x
Gives a new pants
Not bad
It’s a pity, like some other
she’s as good as new, so it’s so stupid
Still new
It’s not for me, and it’s also a pants.