Bluten obwohl Periode vorbei ist?
ich nehme seit ca einer Woche die Pille, und meine Periode ist eigentlich schon seit 5 Tagen vorbei. Aber ich blute trotzdem zwischendrin als hätte ich meine Tage, was echt unangenehm ist. Ist das normal? Hört das von alleine auf?
As a rule, the period bleeding takes place at the start of pills as always.
However, like all medicines, any pill can also cause undesirable side effects in addition to the desired effect, which can happen – but does not have to.
Among other things, the hormones of the pill influence the structure of the cervical mucosa. In this way, prolonged bleeding can occur when taking stone, intermediate bleeding can occur (as a typical side effect of each pill), but also the bleeding can stop completely.
These complaints usually improve after an adjustment phase. If they are too burdensome or if there is no improvement even after three months, you should discuss with your female physician whether another pill or even a non- hormonal contraceptive is better suited for you.
Happy for you!