Blut verlieren um mehr/besseres/gesünderes Blut zu erzeugen?
Typische 4 Uhr Früh Frage xD
Wenn man Bäume/Sträucher schneidet bilden diese mehr junge gesunde Triebe
Kann man das auch auf Menschen übertragen. ZB Blut spenden/verlieren
Hört sich behindert an aber ein Funke steckt vlt schon dahinter xd
As most tissues in the body, blood is constantly absorbed and degraded. After 120 days you have new erythrocytes.
But the body can only take what it has.
Sufficient, healthy diet (in the sense of: eating what you can’t produce yourself in the body, eating in sufficient quality, covering the nutrients and energy/calorie) is therefore a good prerequisite for “good tissue”, although genetics certainly also play a certain role. Partial sports/movement also.
If you would constantly cut yourself literally, the body would have to work more through wound formation and wound healing, if necessary it would also be weakened by infections (when the wound gets dirty and ignites) and that does not promote health, energy is needed and also building materials (for wound closure), which the body could otherwise put into other processes.
I’ve heard that blood is supposed to be really good because the body then produces new blood and that is supposed to be healthy. Unfortunately, I’m such a squirrel from needles and don’t get blood. Get out of here quickly.
They’d have to put me in anesthesia before.
Sounds logical at the first moment, but the fact that it doesn’t make a single animal then refutes the whole thing. Just look at other beings, but not too often, otherwise man realizes how mentally ill the people are & that the human woman is the only being of the whole world, which is not in a state to carry out a birth from his own power.
Aderlass is a medieval cure that is hardly applied today, because it can only cause something positive in very few diseases.
Then get plasma donations. At least get money for it. Otherwise I recommend a dialysis.
No. In the past, Aderlass was even a recognized therapy, today you see it as wrong.
Many defensive mechanisms are stored in the blood, why should this be diluted
Exceptions to certain diseases, beautiful week.
Aderlass was only carried out with sick people, of course no one would do that today. Blood donations must only be healthy patients who have no illnesses lately.
Thank you, but I know I should have mentioned.