Blut Ergebnis?

Hallo, bin 17 und W. Ich wollte mal was fragen. Ich habe seit ca 3 Jahren Magen-darmprobleme. (Halt oft weicheren Stuhlgang oder durchfall, bauch-darmschmerzen, manchmal auch völlig normalen Stuhl, in Stressigen Situationen bekomme ich Darmprobleme und ja)

Und letzten Freitag hab ich meine Ergebnisse von Stuhl, Urin und Blut bekommen. Sie haben dort nichts gefunden und es war alles in Ordnung.

Wisst ihr was für Erkrankungen jetzt noch in Frage kommen? Ich denke selbst, dass ich an einem Reizdarm leide, aber ich wollte mir paar Antworten dazu anschauen.

Ich bitte um nette und Respektvolle antworten. Dieses Thema ist ernst. Ich habe schon genug dumme antworten bekommen.

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2 years ago

Maybe you’re allergic to anything and don’t know. (Psychical) stress can also lead to intestinal problems. Be glad your blood values are okay.

2 years ago

Try coloscopy.

Check food intolerances.

Refucation diet try.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tiffanylegtlos

The questioner should discuss this with her doctor. To treat yourself on your own is not good.

2 years ago

Thank you for your quick intervention. I was afraid she would try colonoscopy at home.

2 years ago

Go to straightening intestinal reflection.

2 years ago

Okay! I give you right and your irony is right!

2 years ago

Apparently simply incompatibility of, for example, lactose, fructose or gluten or histamine or something. Consider that household sugar consists of 50% fructose.

2 years ago

Stress, too high-fat diet, too one-sided diet are the most appropriate causes

If your blood is as good as possible that inflammation could be excluded, you could have a dietary journal when you (especially) get your problems

In addition, gastric and intestinal reflection could provide even more detailed diagnosis

2 years ago

You’ve got an intestinal mirror behind you?

2 years ago
Reply to  Girl18941

Since the specialist can look at the entire colon, there may be reasons for your complaints. All right.

2 years ago

Since the specialist can look at the entire colon, so may be found causes for your complaints

As the complaints sound, nothing will come out in coloscopy. It sounds more like a functional problem (reizdarm) or perhaps a mild incompatibility. Both are not found in coloscopy.