,,Blut” an Brustwarzen?
Heyyy eine komische Frage, bitte ernst nehmen. Ich hab seitdem mein Freund an meinen Brustwarzen gespielt hat braune ,,Male”, ähnlich wie Blut (vielleicht ist es das sogar). Ich hab schon alles versucht leider krieg ich das nicht mehr durchs Putzen weg, es tut nicht weh und blutet nicht nach oder so, es ist nun einfach da.
Was ist das und wie kriege ich es weg/wie kann ich es vermeiden?
Could be blue spots. Possibly that he has been a bit too rough and has injured some blood vessels. The blood flowing out has collected under the skin and then causes these stains.
If it doesn’t get better or worse in a few days, look at the doctor.
I’m serious.
I’m a man and had something like that.
Once please leave to the family doctor and ultrasound like scanning.
Blood from the nipples or discolorations can, but do not have to indicate breast cancer.
Take a bepanthen to lubricate it to the nipple and glue it to a plaster.
He helped me.
Should be gone after about 5-7 days
Probably small bleedings like in Knutschflecken. Small veins and blood are ripped into the surrounding tissue through the suction.
Probably bruises. Watch it and in case of doubt you go to the gynecologist.