Blockade mit Eltern zu reden?


Ich bin 15 Jahre und mein Bruder 12 meine Eltern haben schon lange ein Problem damit, dass ich ihnen anscheinend so wenig aus meinem Leben erzähle. Sie haben uns auch mit anderen verglichen die ja so viel aus der schule und so erzählen. Aber ich kann es irgendwie wie nicht ich weiß nicht wieso. Ich erzähle meinen Freundinnen alles aber bei meinen Eltern? Da kann ich es nicht. Und es ist nicht so als ob ich ihnen gar nichts erzähle

Habt ich Tipps oder wisst ob das normal ist?

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4 months ago


Yeah, I know that, I think it’s just like… I think if you have less trust or just no motivation to talk to parents, then that’s normal. I mean If you’re just really freaked out of school, then you’re talking to the parents about it, as they might possibly understand it wrong, or you’re afraid of an unwanted reaction. Parents are sometimes just talking about it at the age. So I want to say that you should talk to them, but you just try to be less dependent on them.

What you can try is talk about your school day, for example, at lunch or dinner, so how the individual hours were going, whether you wrote tests, what you liked best etc.

Lg and give up if you want to become more open you can make sure 😊

4 months ago

Yes, I know, is quite normal. I don’t like to tell my parents anything about my life, because it always ends with my father biting me.

4 months ago

The older you become, the more normal it is that you don’t tell your parents “everything”. That which then has a problem is also normal and by no means mean evil.

Maybe you’re just gonna start with some fucking things. I’m exaggerating now: So not Mom, Dad, I had my first time today with a cool boy I barely know. It was so great. It’s more like today, it was really bad at school. The woman yx has been right down just because she forgot her homework.