Blinkerumbau an einer GSXR K5?

Hey Leute,

habe folgendes Problem: Ich habe mir für meine GSXR K5 20th anniversary Edition kleine Halogenblinker gekauft und heute beim Einbauen festgestellt dass die Blinkfrequenz nicht mehr passt (Viel zu schnell aber beim Warnblinker passts). Die originalen hatten eine Leistung von 18 Watt und die neuen nur noch 12 Watt. Mein Nachbar meinte ich solle doch ein Lastunabhängiges Blinkerrelais einbauen. Hier meine Frage: Reicht es wirklich nur das Relais zu tauschen und wenn ja wo ist dieses und wie tauscht man dieses?

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6 years ago

Is it really enough to exchange the relay

Usually yes – probably no if your GSX-R in the cockpit has only one control light for the flashers.

Just ask the seller of your blinkers, he must be able to answer them. Also, it should have a corresponding relay or if necessary resistors for you.

Where is this and how to exchange this

If there’s no one here who drives a GSX-R and knows that, you’ll have to go to the search yourself or ask the workshop of your trust.

Best regards


6 years ago
Reply to  Andee96

If you don’t have a blinker control lamp for the left and right – i.e. only one for both sides – then this usually does not work with the load- or power-independent relay.

Welcome to Michael

6 years ago
  • A series blinker has 10 Watt, x 2 = 20 Watt
  • An LED flasher has 1.5 Watt, x 2 = 3 Watt
  • Difference from both values: 17 Watt

The resistance to be selected must therefore replace about 17 watts to ensure a correct flashing frequency.

In our case comes the one that replaces with a value of 8.2 Ohm 18 Watt.

As it is known that each side of the vehicle is “for itself”, we need a resistance for the left and one for the right.

6 years ago
Reply to  fuji415

Once again, you haven’t read correctly.

It has replaced halogen with halogen, not LED …