Blinker Phänomen beim BMW 316i E46?
ich habe aktuell ein kleines Problemchen mit meinem 316i.
Sobald der Blinker (egal welche Richtung) eingeschalten wird, blinkt er am Anfang schnell und nach einer Zeit wieder ganz normal. Bei dem Warnblinker blinkt er nur normal und nicht schnell. Alle Lampen scheinen zu funktionieren. Kann es vielleicht sein, dass das Abblendlicht oder Standlicht mit einer Rolle spielt? Oder vielleicht ein Wackelkontakt oder defektes Relais?
Can be, for example, a muffled plantine (backlight) or a dying pear
Wackel contact in a pear, probably in front.
the E46 has nmE still a real analog flash relay that the flash frequency provides information about the resistance of the circuit or the state of the light bulb and ground connection.
High-frequency flashing but nmK only makes the AHK flash relay with C2 contact.
Warning blists were usually seperate circuits with their own flash relays that even at 9 volts still flashes
In more than 90s, the progammed relays with “tipp function” came to overtake
First of all, get a used relay to try. Otherwise, I would control the incandescent lamps and the bases, whether there is oxidation somewhere, which could possibly lead to intermittent failures. Ultimately, the blinker lever can also have any problem, but this will tend to be a bit more complicated to exchange, so that would be my last attempt.