Blinker angelassen fällt man durch?

Hallo ich habe morgen meine Praktische prüfung klasse Am, und habe Angst das ich vergesse den Blinker aus zu machen fällt man dann direkt durch?

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9 months ago

Can. I don’t have to.
But you should keep in mind that the subsequent traffic thinks that you will perceive the next turn-off option. As a rule, you also have a metrum-like noise and flashing. As long as you notice this in the next 20 seconds, it shouldn’t be a problem.

9 months ago

So actually it can become very dangerous if you forget the flasher.

In any case, if you notice in time 😉

9 months ago

Yeah, you fake a bending process and drive straight ahead. This can become a danger and lets you fall through.