Bleiben tim und Lucy zusammen?
Spoilert mir mal bitte zu the Rookie
Spoilert mir mal bitte zu the Rookie
Ich habe mal eine Frage zur Mr Bean Folge (Comedysendung, nicht Zeichentricksendung), wo Mr Bean mit seiner Freundin im Kino ist und die beiden sich einen Horrorfilm anschauen. Meine Frage lautet: Weiß jemand zufälligerweise, welchen Film sich die beiden da anschauen? Weil, man hört ja nur im Hintergrund die Soundkulisse von Horrorfilm. Mich würde mal…
In der Einleitung des Comics The Umbrella Academy lautet der zweite Satz “Das Video zur Single Welcome to the Black Parade (von der Band Chemical Romance) schien mir der perfekte Ausdruck einer gewissen nennen wir sie “nekrodelischen” Strömung zu sein, von der ich hoffte, das sie in der populären Kultur stärker auftauchen würde, weshalb ich…
I forget the name, but it was a World War II animated series set in France, and it was aimed at children, but still scary.
I've already noticed it with Amphibia and also with Welcome to the House of Owls: the last season(s) of children's series are rarely uploaded to Disney+ in Germany. This happens even though the series have finished and were first shown on German television 1-2 years ago, completely dubbed. So why are the final seasons missing?…
No, they are very soon separated:(
Best regards, Jan
No, unfortunately, the two are not 😥
Why not 😭 what happened
Follow the 6 season. Do not want to spoil
I don’t want you or anyone else to read the question. I can send you a private message to explain it to you
Yes, but I wouldn’t want to be spoiled I wouldn’t have asked but how you want Google already told me Tim takes Lucy badly that they were involved in his transfer
No, Tim and Struppi stay together.
Tim and Lucy are separated in the sixth season.änge-es-mit-tim-und-lucy-more/#/