Bleaching vor zahnspange?
Hey Leute
Ist ein Bleaching vor der Zahnspange möglich?
Weil ich hatte mir erst gedacht ich mache es nach der zahnspange aber ich schäme mich für meine Zähne und habe die zahnspange ja trotzdem so 2 Jahre drin und die Zähne sieht man ja genauso
Hello anonymous,
Of course, that goes, but you shouldn’t be too young. Bleaching is only made when the tooth melt is hardened.
Good luck!
Sure. However, bleching does not bring much. If you have very yellow teeth, it’s almost nothing. Bzw only lights up very little. If you want really white teeth, you can make veins. But I’d guess.
You can do this after the brace is surely also necessary
do you get a fixed brace?
You better go after the brace.
You don’t see the teeth like that with the brace. A bleaching, presupposed you are full-year, after that will surely bring you more.
Yeah, theoretically, that’s what happened. But you’re too young for it. A serious dentist will never do that at your age. Why?
Due to the still wide dentin canals in the youthful age – the dentine is still relatively thin – the teeth could become very sensitive if not irreversible damage to it
Let your dentist advise you and perform professional dental cleaning (PZR). With a PZR, it is possible to remove any colored coatings which have left coffee, tea, red wine, tobacco and/or various foods on the teeth. After that, the teeth are thoroughly polished, because new discolorations and coatings cannot be easily fixed on a smooth surface.
This PZR should be done regularly during carrying of the brackets.