BLEACH SPOILER: Ist Lille Barro noch am Leben?

Ich rede jetzt nicht über die letze Folge des Anime, sondern um den Manga. Man hat ja nie wirklich gesehen wie er getötet wurde, nur, dass dieser Leutnant ein paar von diesen Eulen getötet hat. Aber dann wurde er wahrscheinlich vom letzten Auswählen getötet, Oder nicht?

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3 months ago

I’m pretty sure he’d have to be dead, even if the wiki describes him as a living, because he lost all his powers against Nanao and Shinsui, and then many of his clones were killed and so he believes himself, I think the only living Quincys after the TYBW Arc should be Uryu and his father. All others were either raised by Yhwach through the victimizations or killed by the Shinigami.

But in many characters, it is not quite obvious from the manga whether they still live, for example Yoruichi, which, after the fight against Askin Nakk Le Vaar, is poisoned on the ground and possibly remains in his poison cloud or has also been saved by Nel. Hope that the anime will change something, for which TYBW was generally taken some freedoms, as the Bankai of the 0. Company or fight Uryu against Renji what both did not exist in the manga

3 months ago
Reply to  obito55

Okay, that’s the thing, in the Novels, they’re alive, but that came only later, I hope that they’ll show that in the anime, or say that they’re still alive, and the girls’ troops of the Star Knights are just two, the others have already gone a lot earlier.

ChrisCat1, UserMod Light

It’s been a few years since I read the manga.

In the Bleach Wiki, he is still alive.

3 months ago

After the Light Novel Bleach: Can’t Fear Your Own World he’s dead.