Blauschimmel käse schlecht?
Ich habe vor zwei Tagen einen frischen Blauschimmelkäse gekauft und heute festgestellt, dass er stark nach Urin riecht, sauer schmeckt und grünliche Verfärbungen sowie gelbe Brocken aufweist. Ist dieser Käse noch sicher zu essen?
As you describe, something went wrong. I only know that when he was overlaid. (PS: must of course always be in the refrigerator).
I wouldn’t eat anymore.
Should I buy blue cheese next time? I have already eaten a bit of it you can get food poisoning
I’ve got the blue cheese from everywhere – that’s not the problem. Never had your effect – it’s violent.
I think you got a freak. Or: cooling chain interrupted.
Food poisoning? If it was really one, you’d find something very fast – that’s really bad. Could happen, but is not very likely.
Contact the cheese dealer. Blue sky is not the same blue sky. Some varieties are really the way you describe it.
I wouldn’t eat it. if you still have the kassenbon go back to your business and see if you get your money back
It doesn’t sound good, bring him back.