Avoid blue colors on your monitor?
Hello, I have all my charts with blue candles. In general, my charts, i.e. what I always see, are all pretty blue.
Should I avoid the color blue and use other colors instead? To avoid damaging my eyes? My glasses have a blue filter, but I don't think they'll filter out as much of the blue. Is it the color blue, or is it just the light emitted by monitors?
I don’t understand much of your question. I can explain a part for that. Yes, the monitor and generally screen emits a lot of light, which is the main factor for eye load. How close the monitor is, also describes how much light can be spread at all and then how much light falls in the eye. Blue filters in the monitor settings or in the Windows display settings avoid most of the light without directly darkening your monitor. Nevertheless, you can easily see that it becomes a bit darker. Your glasses have a blue filter that is recognizable when the glasses have a slight yellowing:
Blue is a main aspect that makes the image brightest. Without blue, you would have yellow, which is about the second most common (Pixel only have red, green, blue).
There is, of course, the “night mode”, or simply blue filter in Windows, which makes the effect even stronger, because your glasses can’t always refuse much of it.
I have everything I see with much blue colored on the monitor because I like blue. But I could also color it differently yellow or red or gray. Now the question is whether to leave the color blue better. The same is also the question with blue neon light in fluorescent tubes. Should one avoid the color blue in general?
no, blue is only harmful because it emits a bright color together with green and red, in the case white. If you reduce blue, then the brightness also decreases
Yeah, that’s right. Partly, I am therefore very short-sighted. Until the age of 20, always keep an eye on your eyes!
My optician told me last time that the blue light damages the longing because it somehow penetrates deeper. You will then be short-sighted
Blue is not harmful to “healthy eyes”. There are eye diseases where the eye then reacts sensitively in blue, but this is very rare.
Blue is pretty much included in all colors, all bright colors contain blue. “pure blue” is then only blue without or with few other colors.
White consists in equal parts of red, green and blue.
It is always warned that the brain interprets “a lot of blue on the eyes” as a noon time and thus adjusts the inner clock.
Who sees a lot of blue in the evening (which is also pure white), whose inner watch shifts so that in the evening his inner watch still has to be on “afternoon” and gets problems with falling asleep.
If you have severe sleep disorders, you should start from approx. 18 o’clock blue parts in the light as possible. So use lighting that have little blue (then go towards orange) and no more television or work on PC.
But not every sleep disorder is triggered or amplified by blue. I have very heavy sleep disorders myself, my inner watch prefers 30 hours. Still, I’m best asleep when watching me on a screen on bed without blue filters or other modifiers videos. Most of the time, I’m going to do some docus on YT.
no that is not true my optician has explained to me that the blue light damages the longing because it penetrates so deeply or something. That’s why when you sit a lot in front of the monitor, you’re going to be more short-sighted about it.
Oh, you need a new eye doctor! Or you got something wrong.
Or is that an optician? Of course, she wants to sell these great expensive glasses because they can make more profit.
If the optic nerve breaks, then it’s over, it’s nothing to do with the sharpness. This means that the eyes become more insensitive but not inconspicuous.
What severely damages the eyes, this is UV light. This is invisible light, more short-wave than blue. You can’t create a TV. However, UV light is abundant in fluorescent tube light and above all sunlight.
A TV is the eye-saving thing to look at, much more gentle than reading books on paper. And definitely gentler than walking around and looking in daylight.
Short-sightedness arises mainly due to the long focus of near things, no matter what color they have. There are other, usually age-related changes in the eye. But all this has nothing to do with “blue”!
Crap birds have extremely sharp eyes and they are also constantly exposed outside and especially much “blue light”. Then why are they not short-sighted?
Oh! Cows stand on a pasture and are only interested in movements and all that has no color (yes lack the green receptors) is edible.
The short-sightedness is genetically fixed so that the simple movements of potential attackers can be recognized. All that the cow is not interested is automatically filtered out by the short-sightedness and then does not need a “brainschmalz” to distinguish.
There is no reason to be able to see sharp, because grass does not run away and does not have to be found at long distance and then chased or the cow doesn’t have to find where her food has just been hidden.
According to the theory of your ophthalmologist, moles would have to be perfectly visible as they are almost never exposed to blue light. They are almost blind.
I strongly advise you to look for a new ophthalmologist!
I’ve heard that, too, that’s why everyone’s too short-sighted. Yes, she said so, that with blue light filter my eyes will become less short-sighted.
Blue filters in normal glasses are marketing mush if you would really help the glasses be visible yellow and really absorb >90% of blue light. But this is only the case with some medical glasses for people who, for example, have the green star.
If you want to reduce the color temperature of your monitor, this often brings a significant reduction in the blue content, you can also achieve similar with software (e.g. f.lux). However, it is much more important to pay attention to a generally ergonomic workplace. Thus, alignment of the monitor to the window and sufficiently bright ambient lighting that matches the monitor brightness. Every trip to the sun will be more stressful for your eye than any blue charts in this world, if your workplace is ergonomic.
Btw. has a white area more blue than most blue graphics elements…