Blaue Augen hervorheben?
Hallo. 🙂
Ich habe blaue Augen und würde diese gerne ein wenig hervorheben, unterstreichen. Ich benutze nie viel Schminke, außer einen schwarzen Kajal Stift.
Kann mir jemand sagen welche Lidschatten Farbe am besten zu blauen Augen passt und was ich noch machen könnte um die Augen präsenter zu machen?
Ich würde mich auf Tipps, Tricks und Ideen von euch freuen.
Liebe Grüße. 🙂
Hello, Lilly!
For example, the following fits to blue eyes:
For the eyelids a eye shadow in a bright, light brown tone, with a black kajal line and the eyelashes with black mascara!
Otherwise, best let yourself be expertly and competently advised in drugstores, perfumeries, cosmetic studio, make-up or beauty salon, hairdresser salon, what is good for you and great for you!
It should always harmonize and fit all well with each other in colour!
So to the wearer (e.g. facial ink, hair color, eye color…etc.), to the overall outfit (e.g. clothing colors, accessories colors…etc.), to all your used make-up and make-up colors in your look…usw.!
But as I said:
A local advice would certainly be great, as you can also try different colors as well as color combinations as well as beauty styles, which is great for you and fits great with you!
I hope I could also help!
LG and a beautiful weekend
Wish you
Gold-brown song shadow colors best underline blue eyes.
So golden brown or earth brown fit well to blue eyes. I have blue-green eyes
Earth colours can highlight your eyes