Blaualgen überleben ohne Wasser?
ich hatte ein sehr starkes Blaualgen Problem in meinem 180L Aquarium. Das steht jetzt ca. 6 Monate trocken, da ich komplett Neustarten wollte.
Jetzt zu meiner Frage. Überleben die Blaualgen diesen Prozess? Das Aquarium steht immer in einem Sonnenbeleuchteten Raum. Das würde den Blaulagen also nicht fehlen. Kann ich ohne Bedenken Neustarten oder muss ich was beachten und habt ihr weitere Tipps damit ich so etwas vorbeuge?
Blue algae are not really algae, they are bacteria.
To survive need food and sun, many survive drying out and even heat it.
Before filling it is necessary to thoroughly clean and disinfect, there are especially for aquarium preparations such as jbl desinfect or look into the instructions how to get hydrogen peroxide that. peroxide%20acts%20especially%20good%20,f%C3%BCr%20the%20aquarium%20rechnet.
Otherwise, even means like blue exit help, because in your case there is no biology as you could destroy, here it is only the enemy to defeat cyanobacteria so that there is more control. I treated my infestation in the running basin with blue exit, I had no accidents but had really bad what I have to say, even after 1 year of final attack, because I didn’t get that without a handle, I know that can be very handsome. That’s why when I empty, I’d rather go to the chemical lobe before the problem reappears immediately.
After that it is important to properly build and nourish the good bacteria to make it difficult to impossible.
New floor and no wood.
Why not use wood?
I have two very expensive bonsai trees, these were inside and also infested. They’ve been dry for months.
Wood is the main reason.