Blasse Linie auf Schwangerschaftstest, positiv?

Meine Periode ist seit 6 Tagen überfällig. Hab heute früh einen test gemacht eine ganz hauchdünne Linie(auf dem Bild kaum zu erkennen)erschien nach ca 2 min. Ist der test positiv oder negativ?

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2 years ago

A line, no matter how weak, means positive (if read after the given time) I don’t see anything in the picture. I’d probably do a test tomorrow or another.

2 years ago

No matter how pale a second line is, the test is considered positive. But the one on the picture has only one line, there is no second at all.

At a week after maturity, the test would be significantly positive, if you were pregnant. You can assume you don’t expect a child.

2 years ago
Reply to  Lxnx0431

It must be clear, always. You’re not pregnant or not about it for six days, but about it.

2 years ago

I clearly don’t see a line. The test is negative.

2 years ago

Make another one tomorrow and then you know more, maybe you’re pregnant, maybe not. It may look quite different tomorrow.

2 years ago

Buy a better test and make another one.