Blass im gesicht was kann ich tun?
Leuteee ich brauche eure hilfe seid parr wochen sehe ich aus wie eine komplette leiche ich habe todes augenringe und bin total käsig blass im Gesicht was kann man dagegen tun? So ohne Antibiotika und ergänzungsmittel etc. Währe toll wenn ihr tips habt 🙂
Maybe check diet?! BIO continues to help, is really cheap in discounters. Reduce sugar and fat – instead sports much fresh air and – as the colleague correctly writes – into the sun.
Antibiotics and other media just leave completely.
What does this have to do with antibiotics? Do you have a bacterial infection?
Otherwise: regular exercise, fresh air, sun, regular and enough sleep, reasonable diet, reduce stress, and if you really look so much worse for no reason, you could think about a doctor’s visit.
I’m just saying that.
That seems to be people who don’t know so much….
Why antibiotics? You have no bacterial infection? If your face color has actually changed for unknown reasons a while ago, you should have the medical check.
When you are healthy, it helps to spend a lot of time in the sun.