Blasenschwäche wird schlimmer?

Ich hatte schon seit längerem eine blasenschwäche und habe am tag öfter eingenässt, vor allem, wenn ich gehustet, geniest etc. Habe. Jetzt ist es allerdings manchmal so, dass ich noch nicht mal merke, wenn ich in die windel mache. Ich merke dann nur, wenn es läuft. Ich muss die ja auch in ser schule tragen, da ist es schwierig, die immer zu verbergen. Mir wurde beckenbodentraining empfohlen, das bringt aber bisher noch nichts. Und jetzt kommt nicht mit „geh doch zum urologen“, termin wurde schon gemacht.


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1 year ago

Heyy :

So I would have some ideas that might help (I don’t know exactly but can try it out)

  • Certain foods and beverages such as caffeine, alcohol, carbonated drinks and spicy spices can irritate the bubble and worsen symptoms. Try to avoid such things more and see if it improves
  • You could try to go to the toilet before you feel to have to. If you don’t notice, just try how much you drink, e.g. to go to the toilet every hour.

I also read that there are foods that help against siwas such as a stimulus bubble or incontinence (ka ob es so is)

These are, for example:

  1. Pumpkin seeds (soothe the muscles)

2.Petersilie (no reasoning some thought it helped)

IMPORTANT: You must not stop drinking. It won’t help if you don’t drink less – just give you kidney problems. On the contrary enough to drink can even help to make it a bit better.

I hope I could help you. Just try it out!

Nice evening:)

1 year ago
Reply to  Mixtape25

I’m glad you tried it. Yes in school is a bit difficult I mean at home, e.g. to see if it does anything

1 year ago

No problem

1 year ago

You have to watch how it develops, but I have heard the pelvic floor training helps.

1 year ago

drink as little as possible (better nothing) helps

1 year ago
Reply to  Mixtape25

You have to drink. No way to stop that makes the kidneys broken and then it makes it worse