Blasenentzündung vorbeugen?

Hallo, ich hatte vor ner Woche mein erstes mal (auch ohne kondom) und habe obwohl ich aufs klo gegangen bin danach eine blasenentzündung bekommen. Habt ihr vielleicht ein paar Tipps wie ich weiter vorgehen könnte, also jetzt eher sex mit kondom haben oder was gibt es da für Tipps zur Vorbeugung?

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2 years ago


Every living entity has a biological microclimate. If you have contact with other beings, they exchange more or less. Depending on how the individual immune systems have loads or capacities, they react.

Previously, partnerships were aimed at a community of life. Say marriage. It’s not quite common for a while. It was his time that you met and met here and there. When the “Chemie” voted and you wanted to marry, you were engaged.

This was over a longer period of 2 to 5 years. In this time, the biological micolimes have matched. The bacon of the affected immune systems was almost similar.

When the contact time is shortened, the defence system does not adjust as quickly.

Perhaps, as with Corona prevention, you are undermining yourself about hygiene measures to make you both a more pleasant situation?