Blasen oder Krämpfen beim Wandern vorbeugen?

Hallo Zusammen! Ich habe in circa 2 Wochen einen Megamarsch vor mir und muss 50km zu Fuß absolvieren. Um Blasen werde ich höchstwahrscheinlich nicht rum kommen. Gibt es Sachen die ich jetzt im vorraus schon machen könnte, um dem Ganzen Vorzubeugen? Also Dehnen oder Füße eincremen.

Hat da jemand Tipps?

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1 year ago

In any case, well-run shoes. Everything else doesn’t work if the shoes didn’t run in.

In socks there are so many different opinions. Some swear on two pairs, others on special hiking socks,… I personally take special wool socks that are not necessarily freshly washed. That’s what my father taught me. Some say that is overtaken and would only lead to more bubbles. You have to let them dry in between, then it doesn’t happen. Finally, it is most important that the shoes fit with the socks. If the shoes fit as perfectly as possible with socks, this minimizes bubble formation.

Some use deer tallow to prevent bubbles. This serves, so to speak, as a lubricant so that less friction is produced. I didn’t even use it yet.

In any case, you should take bubble patches. If you notice that it is shy somewhere, you can also use it for further protection.

Cracks usually occur due to electrolyte displacements. You sweat, lose minerals, resulting in spasms. On the other hand, it helps to refill the losses, for example with corresponding sports drinks. Others also take directly magnesium, which leads to diarrhea. Others swear on bananas because of the calcium. I don’t have any experience with it, since I’ve been acting strangely never with cramps.

1 year ago

The most important are perfectly matching and running shoes. It’s not good without them.

I then use 2 socks: inside a very thin and slidable sock in the foot area, only has to go over the ankle. This sock has to lie perfectly at the foot.

On top of this I draw a padded walking socks (they have the right and left version). The walking socks can then slide over my inner socks. This does not result in friction on the skin or between the skin and the heel bone. The outer walking socks move with the shoe, the inner socks remain at the foot without movement. Since the outer sock can also throw wrinkles, I pull out the shoes in the breaks, adjust the walking socks again optimally and refresh. The foot also swells with me, so that the reshuffing here is also a relief.

I have made the best experience. I have a few walking shoes, which is now almost 40 years old and because in the last 10 years by successor, unfortunately, I have also dried up on the leather and have become brittle/cracked. But I have always attracted and appreciated them for long tours. The leather shoe fits m.E, very good at the foot, but this takes a very long time. The modern materials create this faster and the watertightness etc. is also better thanks to the built-in foils. But they only keep limited with me, then I have to replace them.

Mineral-containing beverages help with spasms, in particular you need some salt, calcium and magnesium. Potassium provides a banana. And so that they don’t get lazy I have a plastic box for it now;-)

1 year ago
Reply to  EchterFranke

The walking shoes carry and run in

1 year ago

Cracks: Efficient food and drink, even during the tour.

Bubbles: Supplied socks (I also like to wear compression socks on longer tours), double socks (e.g. fine stockings directly on the skin and then another more sporty sock over it). And of course good matching and well-running shoes.

1 year ago

Start 20 km. I hope you’ve got used shoes that’ve already been in good shape.