Blase an beiden Fersen?
Hallo ich habe mir heute 2 schöne dicke offene Blasen an jede Ferse beim Laufen verpasst, ich war duschen es hat gebrannt wie die Hölle und ich habe octanisept drauf gesprüht das hat auch sehr gebrannt und jetzt habe ich etwas betaisadona drauf gemacht und wie sollte es anders sein das hat auch sehr gebrannt und jetzt lasse ich es Gerade einwirken, nun meine Frage da ich morgen wieder zuhene Schuhe tragen muss, kann ich da die comppet oder complet ( keine Ahnung wie die richtig heißen) blasen Pflaster drauf machen, auf eine offene Blasen ??
Und man soll die ja drauf lassen bis sie abfallen, und wenn sie Dan abfallen, reißen die Dan nicht die Blase wieder auf oder ist dann dort keine Blase/ Wunde mehr ???
P.s ich habe Gerade keine Packung oder Beipackzettel von den blasen Pflaster hier
Are your shoes too small? In laces, 1 thumb width should still be space for foot rolling. Where the foot in front needs the empty space. In summer, feet are a bit thicker. Watch it when buying a shoe.
If you have new shoes, you take paving. As soon as it snaps, one sticks to the spot for padding 1 patch. It’s best to get high so it won’t be pushed away from the shoe right away. If you have socks, put them on the tip of the paper bag cloth.
But if you let it come to the bladder, you can only cushion it until the internal healing power has healed it again. Best to wear other shoes.
Look where you’re pressing? Maybe there’s a seam that you can hammer flat and soft.
Always try to prevent yourself from being sensible.
My shoes are actually optimal but seemingly unsuitable for running. I didn’t have any of the things I could put in between, I just had my water. I didn’t know the feet were thicker in the summer 🤷🏼 ♀️. And in the shoe is no seam back or similar it was simply by friction.
No paper towel? A corner of this would be enough to cushion.
No only had a bottle of water in the hand and nothing else
There are normally sterile plasters that do not stick to the wound. There are some in the pharmacy, maybe you can get some, in a pharmacy that has emergency services. They are also individually packed and sterile. The cost is about 1.20 to 1.50 per piece. But that’s worth it. I always do this so that I do the same as you do iodine albums on it and then do such a sterile plaster that is closed on all sides.
easy to buy cotton socks or bamboo instead of polyester that also helps ^^
I just got cotton socks, but unfortunately he slipped off my heel.
Please get special bubble patches with hydrocolloid in the pharmacy.
And if they leave (by themselves) Dan does not tear the wound up again?
No. These are special plasters that do not stick to the wound.
because there is no sound in the sense she can nich tear up. It only hurts because this is the top layer of skin without cornea as soon as it grows everything is chilly again.
I’ve got such a bubble patch on it now and on the right heel everything is good but on the left it just doesn’t stop burning I’ve both put down with water and dried before I glued the plaster on it. Is that normal that it burns so long is now about 2 hours ago