Blackout dannach anfall?
Hallo, bin gerade aufgestanden und aufeinmal wurde mir kompletz schwarz vor augen, aufeinmal haben meine beine extrem gewackelt und ich konnte mich selber nicht kontrollieren. meine vision war aufeinmal bunt, als es nach 10 sekunden aufhörte, habe ich alles vergessen was gerade passiert ist! was war das?
Your blood pressure is probably sacked by the rise, then the brain gets too little oxygen and the circulation works together.
If that was a one-time thing, I wouldn’t worry about it, you’ll be more often black in the eyes of a doctor.
I’m also getting very often black in my eyes and trap sometimes almost around, I think it’s because my blood pressure drops sharply when I get up. You could be. For example, when getting up too fast, the blood licks through gravity into the legs that can cause you to get black in front of your eyes or shaking your legs, I also think can cause short-term confusion. If it happens again, maybe I’d go to the doctor…