Bitterstoffe um THC/Cannabis toleranz zu senken?

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Das man angeblich mit Bitterstoffe beziehungsweise bittertropfen/Spray

Die Leber reinigt und damit enorm die Toleranz senkt .

Meine Frage lautet stimmt das oder ist das nur Humbug?

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1 year ago

This can only be humbug, otherwise you could easily pass the urine tests of police and driving licences with such a spray even though you are a permanent user.

In addition, most THC or THC-Carbonic acid in fatty tissue and not in liver



1 year ago

I wonder what the liver has to do with it. The liver detoxifies and converts THC to THC-COOH in the case, but the effect occurs in the brain and is passed via blood the blood-brain barrier.

As a thought experiment, I can imagine that in the case of Edibles, i.e. oral consumption (eksis etc), metabolism of the liver is delayed, so that more THC goes into the blood via the stomach. In the normal case, the liver takes a lot of “THC” & makes it harmless. But whether it works with such sprays, or at all, no plan. Would be very dangerous…

1 year ago

I’m sure you’re not doing anything bad with bitter substances. To what extent the tolerance is to be lifted, I do not understand, since the board is formed in the brain.

1 year ago