Bitte um schnelle hilfe windows esd festplatte rückgängig machen?

ich habe ein problem. ich habe eine externe 1 tb festplatte mit sehr wichtigen daten drauf. jetzt gerade wollte ich mit dem windows media creation tool, einen windows stick machen um auf anderen pc’s windows zu installieren, jedoch habe ich stat dem usb stick ausversehen diese 1 tb festplatte genommen, und es erst nach fertigstellung gemerkt. jetzt steht dort im explorer nur noch eine 30 gb festplatte, und wenn ich bei partition erstellen gehe, habe ich ohne schnellformatierung die restliche gb eine partiton gegeben. ich kann dort aber ohne formatierung nicht rein. sind die daten jetzt weg?


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Mark Berger
1 year ago

You can use r-Studio or UFS Explorer and search for the data that are still there. What was overwritten is gone, but the other one can still be saved.

You may use 2 tools or 3 tools to reconstruct everything. Then you can bring them together with our Merge script:

Alternatively, we can do this for you – the costs would be 79 euros + return.

1 year ago

In addition to the already mentioned possibilities to get the data back….

You have already described the plate with new data. All data written in areas previously occupied by other data have irrevocably overwritten your data there. Even if you can dig these files back into an old security copy of the file association table -> where the data no longer exist because overwritten, no tool can save anything.

Tools like Recuva test and see what could be saved! However, make sure that saving the data from this disk is written to another hard drive! (Son you overwrite more data blocks and lose more data.)

I have an external 1 tb hard drive with very important data on it.

Is that the backup?
If so, what did they lose at work on the PC?
If no, what about your backup. Important information is provided separately. What is not secured is unimportant.

1 year ago

jupp and ne formatting deletes them as well.

But in hard disks there is happiness that is overwritten a bit more ne art content directory, but not necessarily all data, i.e. with a rescue software (paid) it is sometimes possible to save what, also possible a correct data recovery company that are but sauteuer

Do not use any more or save anything else you overwrite invisible data that might still be there

1 year ago

You can restore the data with Recuva. The data are probably not all overwritten. In the future, connect external hard drives only if required. Protects against accidental deletion and other problems such as ransomware.

1 year ago

The hard disk has been formatted, so yes, the data is gone first.

There are recovery tools to get the data back, these cost legal but mostly money

1 year ago


the data is gone. However, there are programs that may be able to recover this data, but they are often paid.

Mfg Jannick (L1nd)