Bitte um Kaufempfehlung – Audi A4 2.0 oder BMW 325i?
Hallo, ich möchte mir ein neues Auto zulegen. Habe mich auf zwei eingeschossen und kann mich jetzt nicht entscheiden. Ich bräuchte da mal einen technischen Rat was die Haltbarkeit bzw Anfälligkeit der Autos angeht. Mir ist bewusst das jedes Auto so gut hält wie es gepflegt wird. Aber es gibt ja details die wirklich auffällig anfällig sind. Und da seid ihr gefragt.
PKW1: Audi A4 2.0 154.877 km 04/2004 EZ 96 kW (131 PS) Benzin HU/AU neu Scheckheftgepflegt
PKW2: BMW 325i 113.489 km 06/2002 EZ 141 kW (192 PS) Benzin HU/AU 10/2016
Die Laufleistung ist ja durchaus nicht zu vernachlässigen, aber neuere Autos gibt der Geldbeutel nicht her. Auch die Leistung ist nicht ausschlaggebend. Wichtig ist für mich die Haltbarkeit und Anfälligkeit der Maschinen. Beide Autos sind Automatik. Ich habe beide angeschaut und auf einem kleinen Gelände kurz gefahren. Eine richtige Probefahrt steht jedoch noch aus. Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe! 🙂
Would tend to the BMW even if I’m more Audi fan.. Audi and automatic is not sooo tingling, especially when it comes to 2004 it will be the Multitronic, that is nix events. In general, the BMW is probably the more problematic of the two and certainly a little cheaper in the purchase price. Audi always has a toothed belt, BMW has a maintenance-free control chain.
An acquaintance of me (insurance dealer in the field service) has had some repairs with this A4 series despite good maintenance, for example, the drive shafts were constantly defective. An E46 318i has served one of my neighbors 17 years and 250,000 Km without problems. He said, apart from wear, he had only 3000 euros in repairs in the time, engine was unopened. BMW is better, straight with automatic transmission!
Audi was co-founded after the tetri procedure. If you break something, it takes quite a long time to swap the parts. BMW has the better ingeners, where paxxis experiences still have.
I advise the BMW, as the Audi will pose too much problems. The BMW model has no major control chain problems yet. My boss drives one himself and he ran over 400,000Km without great repairs. It is only important that the oil change has been made regularly. Due to manoeuvre, there are only defects, such as a defective control chain.
Still, I guess I’ll look at the car from below. If it is dry on the oil pan, it is recommended. If he’s oiled, leave the fingers of it.
I’m sorry,but with the Ingeneurskust,it has nothing to do.Especial BMW is not very repaired and mechanic-friendly built.
If longevity and reliability are really important to you, take the money and buy yourself a much younger Japanese or Korean car with significantly less kilometers for the same amount. Mazda 6 or something, maybe just go through the breakdown statistics.
The BMW 325i, built in 2002, is an E46. The vehicle is superior to an Audi A4 from 2004. The motor of the BMW is absolutely smooth and easy to maintain.
They’re both not such a great recommendation. For both, I would put aside 1000 euros/year repair reserves. And in no case pay more than 2000 euros.
In any case, I advise the BMW there are plenty of reasons to choose the BMW!:)
Audi is a better choice
At the Audi, you will be more open than at the BMW to deal with electronics problems.The BMW often has problems with the chassis/rear axle.
I’d definitely advise the BMW.
Repatatures on the chassis, are generally more favourable than electronics problems.To find and fix these,can be very complex and expensive.
The Audi FSI engines, like to have problems with the control chain, and also the turbochargers, don’t rarely fail.
On the other hand, the BMW series six-cylinders are known for their longevity.
From value, both models do not take much,also the general longevity,is very good in both series.
Most driving fun,but you will certainly have in the BMW.192 hp,back wheel drive,and the BMW typical sporty chassis design speak for itself.
Buy NIE a BMW.
The Audi is the better choice.
So I am a lot with the 2013 audi a3 2.0 and the 2010 bmw 330d both carmatics. The BMW now has nearly 200 000 km on (was new) and runs without problems. The only large part of maintenance was recently the engine had to be decooked, but in the beginning it rarely falls. The audi we only bought 1-2 years kp wiviel km at the moment (used with under 10 000 km). Usually I like the BMW better (the audi automatics often ensures continuous tires while starting normal despite tracking control) The steering from the audi is very delicate at under 120, which makes the car also very agile, but this does not scale so well on the autobahn so that you have to watch over 200 because it is very easy to steer. With the BMW, more and more force is needed from 120 onwards, which prevents stakes from shifting. like the a4 in comparison to the a3 is white but not because of durability I tend to bmw since we had a bmw 525i before the audi also automatics and he has kept almost 20 years, after 17 years, only rainy outfalls (climate, shock absorber) but until then first class car
Audi is better
I like audi better
All right.