BITTE EINE ANTWORT Cousine Armschmerzen?
Ich brauche echt drigend Rat: meine Cousine hat sich vor fast 2 Monaten gegen Tetanus impfen lassen. Wirklich seitdem hat sie Armschmerzen. Sie dachte es geht schon nach paar Tagen weg, aber als es schon fast 2 Wochen andauerte ging sie zu ihrem Hausarzt.
Die meinte dann es könnte an zu viel Testosteron liegen und hätte nichts mit der Impfung zu tun. Dann machte meine Cousine natürlich Panik etc und dann machte sie einen Termin beim Frauenarzrt. Der war am 9.Mai also hätte es noch 2 Wochen oder so gedauert bis sie hin kann.
Aber sie ging vorher ins Krankenhaus weil die Schmerzen so schlimm waren. Die sagten aber auch nur das es eben an der Impfung liegt und bei manchen die Schmerzen länger andauern, das da auch gar nichts an der Stelle wäre die ihr weh tut (neben dem Arm also in der Nähe der Brust ist es so geschwollen gewesen). Also haben die so schwerwiegendes ausschließen können und meinten sogar man muss keinen Ultraschall machen (kann mir seltsam vor.)
So beim Frauenarzt stellte dieser auch nix gefährliches fest (wie zb Brustkrebs oder sonst was) und meinte auch das hat was mit der Impfung zu tun und nicht mit zu viel Testosteron.
Soooo nun ist es ja schon echt lang her und meine Cousine hat nur empfohlen bekommen so eine Creme gegen solche schmerzen zu verwenden ABER die hat ihr gar nix gebracht. Wirklich bis heute nichts. Schmerztabletten bringen auch nix etc. Sie ist echt verzweifelt da ihr Ärzte sagen da wäre nix, aber sagen ihr auch nicht wie sie jetzt damit leben soll. Sie hat einen Bürojob und geht zur Uni also muss sie ja dauernd ihren Arm benutzen. Sie hat ja auch schon etliche Tage gefehlt.
Kann mir jemand sagen was man dagegen machen kann? Soweit ich weiß sind das ja Muskelschmerzen. Hatte jemand ähnliche Erfahrungen? Bitte einfach nur irgendwas. Meine Cousine leidet echt daran. Sie hat grad eben sogar geweint am Telefon… Impfgegner will ich hier nicht haben, spart euch das
If everything doesn’t help, I would overcome myself asking a vaccine. Vaccinators thus know different executing methods.
My little daughter, she was 12 months old, I let Tetanus invade and that went wrong. The diagnosis in the hospital was “neurotoxicosis”, and she almost died. This isn’t the case with your cousin. But I’ll tell you because the vaccinator told me how to do the expulsion. And that worked. It took longer, but it was completely healthy.
Execution of vaccination, there are a number of doctors doing this.
If your cousin has this pain since vaccination, the most likely comes from vaccination.
I can tell you what the vaccination doctor (no vaccinator!) has instructed me to do:
Because my little girl is 41° Fieber had (I had fetched her from the hospital nch home), she got cold camel tea listing (entry), some on the day. Until the evening, the fever had fallen a bit, the next morning it was up again. But in this way, the fever did not rise so high until the morning, and in the evening it had fallen further than the day before, so it continued until it was fever-free. But she was motionless, could not even lift the bowl, but she drank and could move the eyes. Then the doctor sent me to a therapist who knew an alternative method, and that was just a tip.
I didn’t write this now because I think your cousin should do that. Probably didn’t sound when you hurt the arm like that.
There are many methods and tools. Whoever heals is right. I think so.
If you have not been able to help the doctor so far, it would be obvious to look for a doctor who considers it possible that there is a vaccination damage and controls executing measures. If necessary, she should go to a medical practitioner who can most of the time.
The daughter-in-law of my brother-in-law had a facial paralysis after vaccination. Who helped, that was a healer, to whom she went with great reservations, because that was “all the hats”.
There’s help, your cousin doesn’t have to suffer.
Normal and not significant incompatibilities of a classic vaccination – and that is not the experimental procedures of the corona method, last about 24 hours. In the time window, all the symptoms of the disease that is vaccinated can occur in weakened form without it having to get. Because you get pathogens in the organism.
After that, it is potentially becoming increasingly critical.
Even doctors are not mechanical products, but human individuals with limits of their minds, which originates from their world images. Like any other person.
In the case of a large part of the physicians, there is a more political than patient-oriented conviction that vaccinations should be enforced at any price. This has something to do with their own fears. So that they can stick to it, they deny partout that there could be side effects. The fact that the pharmaceutical is interested in promoting such views must not be explained further.
So, if you have the suspicion of a vaccination effect, you need to look for doctors who are open to it.
perhaps an inflammatory reaction in the arm
you could try Cortisone
Thank you!
not at the moment
I am very tired
Have now read the Cortisone has many side effects and can prevent long-term healing.
you would just give it a short time