Bitlockerverschlüsselung aufheben?
Hallo, ich habe meine Festplatte mit Bitlocker verschlüsselt und den Code dazu auf dieselbe Festplatte gespeichert (nicht fragen, wie ich das hinbekommen habe ;))
Irgendwann hat sich dann die Recovery geöffnet und der Code ist natürlich jetzt mitverschlüsselt.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das ganze System mit einem Bootstick zu ersetzen?
Bitlocker should start only after the BIOS, so you should be able to format the hard drive with a live Linux, for example.
If Bitlocker should start with you before the BIOS, you need to expand the hard drive and connect and format externally somewhere.
Mfg Jannick (L1nd)
I can start from other partitions, but not format with a Windows boot stick, there the drive is not displayed.
How to find a lost Bitlocker password? – EaseUS
Search the BitLocker recovery key in Windows (
Bitlocker Recovery Key missing – Microsoft Community
But if you want to destroy everything, then simply start Win installation via USB stick and normally can easily delete the partitions and then install them normally
You can simply reinstall Windows, but your data and programs are of course all gone. Definitely, unresolved.
However, the recovery key is usually only requested with a hardware change. So you could try the change you made (new graphics card? USB device connected? BIOS settings changed?) to undo and hope that it will be back without recovery key.
And if that works, save and/or print the recovery key immediately on one, best two or three external devices and put it in the safe.
I can start from other partitions, but not format with a Windows boot stick, there the drive is not displayed. I didn’t make any hardware changes.