Bitget Binance oder Bybit was ist der beste Crypto Broker?
Habe mich mit allen Brokern schon ein bisschen näher beschäftigt aber welcher ist am vertrauenswürdigsten und bei welcher Plattform kommt es zu heimlichen oder versteckten Gebühren sage ich mal
You can find a comparison of stock exchanges here [1]. Without knowing your requirements, you can hardly judge which would be the best for you.
But from Binance I would guess or they are no longer regarded as reputable [2].
Generally: No matter how serious a stock exchange seems, it can always be that this changes from today to tomorrow or you suddenly have no access to the balance. Therefore, larger sums always keep themselves, then it can be quite no matter what tomorrow is with the stock exchange.
What do you think of bigger sums yourself?
I mean, that you shouldn’t keep on the stock exchanges when you lose it, you can’t sleep calmly. So use a hardware wallet like the Bitbox02.