Bitcoin Hebeltrading?


Da ich mich seit neuem mit Bitcoin Trading beschäftige habe ich noch ein paar Fragen zu dem Hebeltrading. Ich hoffe jemand kann sie mir beantworten.

Hier ein übertriebenes Beispiel. Ich setze 100 Euro in einen Trade, der Bitcoin steigt und ich setzte meinen Stop loss über den Einkaufspreis. Wenn ich nun meinen Hebel auf 100x stelle:

Frage 1: Kann ich noch Verlust machen?

Frage 2: Wer bezahlt das, dass sich mein eingesetztes Kapital 100x?

Frage 3: Ist es dann nicht “zu einfach” um Geld zu verdienen oder geht meine Überlegung nicht auf?

Vielleicht kann mir jemand eine ausführliche Antwort geben.

Ich nutze Bitget

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2 years ago

In my opinion, as the previous answers were not quite so clever, I take the time and give my must here:

I’m not an expert yet, but rather a beginner so it can be that I’m a little stupid in the eyes of an expert, whatever. I understand the jz like this: you set 100 euro (1. Where to trade with 0.001?) On buy at btc. Then you can’t make at the same moment x100 as soon as you realize that it’s what will be in the did too easy.

I trade with a 300x lever, which I have already chosen in advance in the account type and can only be changed on the website where you are a broker? And I hope it’s Roboforex otherwise I’m not sure if it’s trustworthy, because from a lever over 30, the company is not sedentary in the EU, as only a lever of 30 is allowed here.

To your 1st question if you can still lose: if you have set the sl to the entry point, you can only lose if you open the trade too long and create so-called “swap” costs, which are so-called holding costs (only in trading, because you don’t buy any real value papers here, but only put on virtual exchange rates) so if you don’t run 5 days this should not be a problem.

Two. Question from you: I don’t know, I don’t care either, I can only guess that the broker might do or because it’s just virtual and you can’t lose 100,000, for example, but always only your amount used.

3. Question of yourself: sorry I’m stupid seeing only jz which broker you’re using “Bitget” never heard, in any case I can tell you that it’s not easy. It’s a lot of stuff to believe that I’ve been trading since September and since mid-November with real money and it’s not a sugar taste. Although I’ve made 500 profits a day, I’ve also lost 300 on a day, in total I started with 800 and I’m at 1400. It is very difficult to regulate the mindset, so much luck on the market!

Good evening I hope you’ve read it all and I haven’t done it for free.

2 years ago
Reply to  Meilone

Hope could help:)

2 years ago

I only know call option tickets for shares. There is not a lever of 100, 10x is already exciting, because as the OS goes up, it can also go down with 10x levers, so just happen with an OS observed by me on Tesla, which was knocked out in half a day.

2 years ago

Levertrading is dangerous but burn a lot of fun in the money.

2 years ago
Reply to  TheOrangePill

That there must always be people like you. where are your documents that you lose your money? And jz don’t come to me with the 60% of the looser who play their money, they haven’t really tried!

2 years ago
Reply to  Basta945

Ah there comes again the Master Trader who knows how to do…

2 years ago

Yes ne is kla…

2 years ago

I don’t know gote a master trait. It didn’t always have to go well today. I’m just wondering why many people talk badly just because they haven’t packed and then they’re mad because they lost their money. I’m a novice myself, but at some point I’ll be a master trainer, I’m sure.

2 years ago

I don’t know Lever 100.

In principle, losses are always possible. StopLoss has advantages and disadvantages. A higher return cannot be generated in the long term.

I can’t see how you could earn money as “too easy” at the best.