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Favourite sweetness – in almost all variations.
Fruit gums only when they are extra sour.
Can’t make me decide that’s always different with me. There are days I can’t see chocolate but rubber bears and days that are exactly different.
My favorite sweetness is “Froop” by Müller. I’m so interested in these yogurts that if the ones are on offer again for 0.29€/mugs, I usually buy 20-30 pieces.
I hate this strange use of the word “team”, but chocolate is definitely my favorite sweetness.
Chocolate is not a team, but a board. Or two. Or three.
I prefer chocolate.
But if I have to decide, chocolate
Rubber bears & Co. are my favorite. I rarely eat chocolate.
Definitely chocolate!! I prefer eating children’s bars 🤤😋
Cookies are my sweetness of choice.
I’m too weak to walk past an open bag Haribo.
I like chocolate.
Unfortunately both
chocolate so horny
I don’t care. Mead sugar.
As a diabetics, I would rather have a hand full of fruit if I want sweets.
Team salty popcorn occasionally