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“Totally safe” I would not say now, but this is at least the more appropriate option from the survey. In most cases, I’m sure. It happens that I have to check something or inform me about the commissioning. These are more special cases.
I like to deal with commissioning and can usually judge whether a comma is to be put or not. I even think quite well to know when a supplement ends, and accordingly set commas, even if and following. 😉
People tend to be self-examination in such a thing; man believe above all to know. That is why I decided to select the Total option and give my answer without a vote.
I am always happy about commercial corrections with me, as I learn this way.
Edit: typos corrected.
Total is a bit exaggerated, but I can now handle it quite well:-)
About 95%.
But not now, because I rule all the rules, but simply out of the belly.
That’s what I’m doing.
Sometimes yes and sometimes no, 😂 I put commas in where I have the feeling as one has already said where they fit in.
With few exceptions.
I make it out of the feeling, I don’t know if it’s always right
I do this very often from instinct. 👍
Yeah, well, sure, XD,👍
LG ✋
😂,😂 yes, right.
Yeah, never make mistakes.
Yeah, I’m very sure about it.
I put many commas. But I’m not sure they’re set right. You have to read the answers to my profile.
Did actually do other things
Here is another one. 😉