Bist du Senior 70+? Welche Songs möchtest du life hören?

Ich bin in einer neugegründeten Rentnerband, wir treten zunächst in Seniorenheimen auf. Aber es kotzt mich an, dass meine Mitmusikanten glauben, die Lieder unserer Eltern – längst ausgestorben – würden unsere Altersgenossen vom Rollstuhl reißen.

Na klar, die Lieder unserer Kindheit wecken auch bei unseren dementen Mitbürgern noch Erinnerungen an den Text und wir behalten sie im Repertoire. Aber welche Titel sind nach deinem Geschmack, wo du richtig mitgehen kannst?

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9 months ago

I was once with two still very fit residents from the Alteheim at the MPS and they were thrilled by Versengold. Of course the two wanted to see the medieval spectacles and therefore it cannot be generalized.

With one of these typical folk songs, a resident drove out in a wheelchair and only meant that she wanted to listen to real music together now and made a DVD from Nightwish in her room.

I myself am already in the middle of 60 and find it amazing that the music around 1900 is still up to date in the care facilities. That was played 30 years ago and then it was good.

I think Elvis always fits and Rock Balladen also like a lot. However, there are only individuals who also hear modern rock bands. Oldies are much more popular, but do not come to everyone.

9 months ago
Reply to  Neugier4711

Oh, yes, Elvis, the Beatles and other groups from the 60s, I always like to listen to nooch.

9 months ago

I still have a bit of time until I am 70+ (10 fingers to count but I don’t need anymore), but I also make music, mostly for audiences between 40 and just 70, and since I experience that everything that became known from the 60 – 90s on rock, you can always play. Rock’n’Roll numbers are always good.

But: there are many in the old age home already far over 80, and there it will be tight, even if it gets loud, but there you can play rock and pop in any case like 60, 70s. What to sing is also always nice, but it doesn’t have to be the last dusty hit from the 60s. We’ve done so a quarter of an hour of well-known percussions and NDW on it, making them a little more rocky and actually celebrating people there always. And then we’ll enjoy it.


9 months ago

I only have about two years until I reach the 70. But in these years nothing will change my music taste….I guess now.^ It should be stressed that I am not a benchmark in relation to the ‘Normal’ village. I’ve been dealing with rock and pop music for almost 50 years… it’s in the nature of the thing that I will of course do this with over 70. For example, Boney M or ABBA do not come to the record, that is not my music. That’s why I’d probably get bored in a retirement home, musically. But as I said, I’m not a benchmark.

9 months ago

Everything crosses from the 70s of the 20. Century. The great thing is that you can choose the absolute Smash Hits every year. This can also be a handy hit or Boney M, Les Humphries Singers or the like.

I personally am Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin Fan….but of course a lot of the Beatles and the Stones. I lost the thread in the 80s, at Euro Dance and the like. But ABBA and Modern Talking can also be considered.

9 months ago

I’m Hardrocker. Deep Purple, Ufo, LED Zeppelin

9 months ago

My mother still lives in her own apartment and listens quite loudly, for example Status Quo. When the trousers run on the radio with “days like this”, it turns louder.

She grew up in 48 and with Rock’n’Roll Roll.