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No. Finally, I don’t have a radar that shows me that a person is homosexual. I don’t care if you don’t tie it to my nose.
I only consider the sect-like LGBT community and its radical, partly extremist ideology critical.
No, I don’t see any reason. (Adults) People should do what they think is correct as long as nobody gets hurt.
Of course, this often starts at the tea age. So, all that is one-of-a-kind and equal, at eye level, I find all right.
No, homosexuality occurs in over 1500 animal species and intolerance only in one… something like that is totally natural and normal and there is no reason not to accept it.
Good morning, Assasin03. 😊
No, I’m not at all.
On the contrary… I accept any kind of sexuality.
In my second home I have a lot of friends who are homosexual and we understand each other dazzlingly.
Greetings, Renate. 😊
No, but I’m critical of LGBT ideology
I am
h o m o p h i l!
No. If you love a person then you love him. No gender.
No, there’s no reason to be against that.
No, not at all
No, absolutely not.
No I don’t hate me
of course not… how to say this question.
I’m gay.
It’s okay
Yeah, so I don’t think that’s normal.
Why shouldn’t that be normal?
According to my faith it is unnatural and a sin.
stupid statement.
Love is sin? Then question your faith…