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Bundeswehr Oberst Rang mit mittlerer Reife?
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No, I did a volunteer year at the time.
What does that have to do with the question?
Since, as is known, everyone is not at the volunteer fire department, and it is also known that there is a volunteer fire department, one already knows before asking that some will answer ‘yes’ and others with ‘no’, so that the question does not make any sense.
I used to want to. It was quite a spearhead race because it was an alternative to the Bundeswehr at the time. Even bullying was there.
Well, the fire department was never an alternative to the Bundeswehr. Of course, one could be exempted from compulsory military service if one had committed himself to the service in the fire department or to the service in civil protection via the fire department. That was a pleasant side appearance. But not anymore. Because there were (at least my time) 9 months of basic military service (or 1 year of civil service) 7 years of commitment in the FF. Anyone who has really only gone to the FF to escape the Bundeswehr has usually regretted it because he underestimated the duties associated with the FF.
As a student, I was with the JF, but I would not be suitable for the FF.
We’ve been tasted more often at school times, but ladder and height is nothing for me. 😇
Wanted once in the Volunteer Fire Brigade had not the money for the equipment etc. But I didn’t have the time for it either.
Although I was completely new, one of the best and had achieved a very good score during a written examination.
For this exam I got a lot of praise and so.
I would have liked to have joined earlier but as I said had no money and no time.
Was later in my old school in the medical service and I liked it very well.
Ooh, the equipment is put by the fire department’s wearer, that is the town or community. You basically don’t have to buy yourself…
I had to.
Was in the Jugetndfeuerweher so, it cost more than 60 euros
Huh? You don’t have to pay for the equipment… This pays for the common. Just as busy during courses.
No, I really had to pay for the equipment. I’ve been told as long as I don’t pay them I don’t get any.
Was the only one who had no equipment and the others also told me they had to pay for it.
I was young.
My mother told me that.
It was in the Jugetndfeuerweher
Can’t believe… What information is missing?
It wasn’t like me.
It’s been a long time.
Okay, but also in the youth firefight, the clothes are actually put. If not, there’s something wrong.
Of course I’m at the fire department.
Since 2014 when I got it right
But I’d like to. Always find it very interesting when it burns where. 🧐🔥
I don’t know
I am not with the voluntary fire brigade