Bis zu welchem Grad ist Übergewicht noch gesund?

Hab über die letzten Jahre stetig immer ein bisschen zugenommen. Bin m24, ca. 1,88m und zurzeit so um die 100 Kilo. Bmi ist unter 30.

ist das zu viel für einen Mann meiner Größe oder noch im „gesunden“ Rahmen?

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2 years ago

Up to 110, maybe. Always depends on everyone.

2 years ago


also your age is relevant! Are you young and at the middle age a few kilos too much are not recommended. However, if you’re old, a few kilos could be more useful to bring you about the time of serious illnesses!

You can never weigh 100kg! To get an acceptable BMI you should be exactly 2m tall! At 1.88 m you should weigh a maximum of 88 kg. (And you must have as little fat as possible and as many muscles as possible!) …

BMI is not for bodybuilders!

And a ball body is no matter what weight is extremely unhealthy! And to the Metabolic syndrome think!


2 years ago

120 to 125 kg are completely OK for your size.

2 years ago

Can’t be said on a flat-rate basis because it depends on living conditions

A man with 180 cm and 100 kg is “slip” safe “fat” but not when he is, for example, a bodybuilder!